Tuesday, February 13, 2007

California - Day Seven - Fatigue

Not sure what it is but I was hit hard today with an incredible feeling of fatigue and soreness . The fatigue was similar to how I felt after my first Palomar attempt. It has to be somewhat cumulative as yesterday, although a long-ish and chilly day, wasn't particularly difficult. And I took a day off before that.

The intense soreness in my hamstrings, glutes, and arms was completely unexpected though. It might have been from the painting (cutting the ceiling while on a stepladder meant awkward lean angles, and not the bike kind). I know what sore legs feel like but the soreness I feel is very intense, and after the ache of 4 or 5 hour rides, it's an absolute surprise. I've had trouble just walking up and down the stairs.

Whatever, today I was literally nodding off all day and alternated the whole day between eating and sleeping. The morning showers dampened my enthusiasm and although I was thinking of a ride after the sun came out, by 3 pm I knew it wasn't to be.

My borrowed bed (I've been sleeping in a girl's bunk bed as its current occupant is away with her mom) is very comfy. It's elevated into the warm air four feet up, cozy (I can touch the foot board with my feet), and the comforter I'm using doubles up so it's extra toasty. Great for morning and afternoon naps and terrible for encouraging a tired rider to go for a ride.

We almost finished painting the other room - tomorrow it'll have to be done as I'll be sleeping in there on my regular futon.

Now off to sleep. I hope tomorrow is a more fruitful day.

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