Monday, February 12, 2007

California - Day Four - Update on "anonymous pro"

Apparently the anonymous pro riding with Chris Horner is from the new BMC team. It might have been Ian McKissick as he was doing wind tunnel tests in San Diego.

Interestingly enough, I noticed on the one climb we were close to both that Horner wasn't moving his upper body a millimeter. The BMC racer though was rocking his shoulders and digging into the pedals on each stroke. I distinctly remember thinking "Boy, Horner is so much stronger than the other guy, no movement, no effort."

I'm glad I'm not racing those guys.

Oh and now the pro count is up to three.


  1. Hi! I'm trying to leave a comment. It didn't work the first time.
    I'm enjoying your blog.

  2. Man,

    You are getting me psyched for the marcinko tour de az. I am leaving on Thursday. I will get a shock to the system at valley of the sun and then spend the next week in tucson. Been downloading a bunch of routes from that I put into my gps. check this one out.

    keep up the blog. Learning a bunch. had someone jack up the hoods saying it was the way to do it and now am going to drop them on the crit bike. 20 revolutions huh? :) see you at bethel!

  3. trying to post the link again.

    Mt Lemon
    Looks fun right?

  4. hey atsuko! glad you're enjoying it.

    lol jack the hoods. I've been thinking about this for a bit so I'll probably do a post later on it.

    seems like tom danielson is in tuscon - maybe you'll be able to do this time trial.
