Monday, September 20, 2010

Interbike 2010 - The Drive Down

It was a long drive down from Colorado today. Luckily I slept on and off for much of it, but I still managed to catch things like:

- a freak thunder and lightning storm with incredibly strong local winds
- a couple "wildland fire" trigger points (they don't call them forest fires because it's not really a forest)
- three smoke jumpers jumping and landing next to one of the trigger points
- a fire fighting plane (that dropped said jumpers) flying at, oh, about 500 feet
- a fire fighting chopper (albeit with no bucket underneath), flying much higher
- a huge "wildland fire", not from the trigger points I saw
- smoke covering 20 or more miles of interstate, reminding me of an event that took place on the eleventh of September several years ago
- a real life Radiator Springs (the town where the movie Cars took place)
- 50 McNuggets for $10

Oh, and two black cows, grazing in the middle of absolutely nowhere.

I didn't see any elk, bison, coyotes, or any other more exotic animals.

Fortunately I missed the not-so-pleasant major accident on Route 15, the highway that comes into Vegas from the north. Tractor trailers, cars, SUVs.

Now for some sleep. Tomorrow, the Tour de Lake Mead (a ride, not a race), and then Outdoor Demo.

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