Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Doping - Comment on Flandis

(I'm interrupting Interbike 2010 posts to mention this.)

I wrote something about Flandis a long time ago. The relevant part of the post is below:

"I'm sure that as soon as the positive news came out, Floyd and his parents talked on the phone. And I'm sure that one of the things his mom asked was, "Floyd, did you use this testosterone stuff?"

And how he answered at that moment would decide years of trials and tribulations.

I'm guessing he said something like, "Mom, I didn't take that stuff."

And that was it."

Now, it seems, he admitted as such:

"'As much as it hurts to sit and tell my mom I lied, and to tell other people that I lied, it's better than the alternative.'

The American acknowledged he waited too long before coming clean."

Personally I'm glad he has revealed his doping experiences.

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