Thursday, July 15, 2010

Helmet Cam - June 12, 2010 New Britain Crit

I've finally managed to get to editing the Nutmeg State Games clip. I had to review the clip while on-site at the race, and I was extremely disappointed with how dirty the lens got in the second or third lap (it was raining and there was dirt/mud on the course). I backed up the clip (in now four places) and forgot about it.

While off from work this week, I decided to go through some of my clips and try and get them into some kind of presentable form. I looked at the Nutmeg clip first since I was curious exactly what I did on the last lap. To my surprise, the clip was surprisingly clear, considering the cam was unusable for two days following the event.

In case you didn't know, I felt very uncomfortable (i.e. scared) in the first two of the three bends on the course. I forgot that I felt really good and wanted to sit near the front, because the safest place to be on a wet course is either at the front or at the back.

Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately) I almost rode off the course on all three bends, tires sliding everywhere, even getting that familiar gut-clenching, "I'm about to crash" feel, and I decided that I shouldn't be near the front.

In order to stay safe (both me and everyone around me), I sat at the back of the field for the whole race. This meant that I had to wait until after the second bend to move up, on the very last lap.

And that's what I did.

I describe the race in font here. And in images below.


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