Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Promoting - Bethel Spring Series 2010 - BikeReg Framework

Yesterday I spent a bit of time doing some BikeReg work, in preparation for the 2010 Bethel Spring Series.

As far as tasks go, it could have been a lot worse. BikeReg makes it easy to get a previous event, copy it, select new dates (for the event and registration cut-off), or even edit categories.

*Edit* Holy carps. I just, and I mean just finished updating the stuff, and made a request to group the six days together.

And guess what?

Before I could finish typing this post, I got a response.

Wow. Ask and ye shall receive.

Now back to the regular planning. *End Edit*

For example, it took only a couple keystrokes to make the Masters race 45+.

Stuff like that. I found it easy to churn through all six events, updating things all over the place. I even updated the email text that goes out to registrants, which, unfortunately, was a few years out of date (oops).

Anyway, I changed a lot of things. One change I made is that Masters will be 45+ this year.

I also labeled the different races a bit more clearly. The Juniors race is now "Juniors Cat 1-2-3-4", to make things clear that Cat 5s cannot do that race.

The Masters 45+ race (which used to be Masters 40+ but I changed it for this year to Masters 45+) is now "Masters 45+ Cat 1-2-3-4", to make things clear that Cat 5s cannot do that race.

I also started reviewing the prize lists, which starts out low and increases steadily over four weeks. This doesn't include the overall GC prizes. That should be okay since I tend to determine them just before the last event based on how well the Series went.

Don't worry, I tend to increase whatever prize list I jotted down in the cold, dark winter. The relief at seeing the end of the Series makes me a bit euphoric, and the prizes follow.

I feel a lot better about having BikeReg set up, even if it doesn't go live until January 11th or whenever the permits are accepted, which ever is later.

Let me repeat this in case you're just skimming.

The BikeReg pages don't go live until Jan 11th or until permit apps are accepted.

Okay, maybe they'll be live, but don't register.

The other big obstacle to filing the permits has been getting the flyer together. I made the same changes to the flyer (like putting "Cat 1-2-3-4" after Juniors and Masters, and changes Masters to Masters 45+).

I'll be uploading the new flyer along with the online race permit applications and, hopefully, walla, we'll be racing.



  1. Why the masters switch?

  2. Looking to slow down the Masters a bit. I got a funny response while I was still finalizing all the stuff on BikeReg. Cat 1 40 year old and a strong rider for sure, who'd been waiting a while to rough up the Masters.

    Ultimately I'm thinking two Masters races, but that won't be this year.
