Saturday, November 28, 2009

Racing - Expo Wheelmen Kit, 2010

The Expo Wheelmen kit for 2010. First off, I have to say something. I've never, ever gotten my kit this early. So kudos to everyone who pulled it off. I didn't do anything - just pay for the kit, go and pick it up. Someone else did all the pain in the butt work.

Anyway, I picked it up maybe a week ago. I haven't ridden it outside but it's been done by others. I have ridden on the trainer and only have feedback on the shorts, for rides of under two hours: No problems.

I'll have to get out there at some point to test the other pieces. But for now here's a quick overview.

The front of the kit. I didn't have good light so I'll have to redo this picture.

The rear.

A mess of kit stuff.

From the left, kinda sorta:
SS jersey.
Bib shorts.
Bib shorts.
SS jersey.
LS jersey.
SS jersey.
Bib shorts.

Not pictured: arm warmers and leg warmers, both VOMax labeled black bits. I never use leg warmers and almost never use arm warmers, but I'll see if I need them one day.

Tiger checking the design.

Whenever I lay out my gear, the cats come and sit on it. Picture taking is a combination of shooing away the kitties and then quickly taking a picture. Repeat a bunch of times and you get the idea.

Mike wants the bibs. Note the sponsor name just below him (it's the side of a jersey).

I need to take some pretend action shots. Here's one:

Racin'. Yeah.

That came from my (self) fit session the other day, where I inadvertently previewed the kit. I suppose technically I should have been in CT Coast Cycle stuff, but I decided to wear the 2010 stuff instead.

You know, get folks used to it.

At some point I'll actually ride outside, and, if you can believe this, I don't forsee that happening before December 24th or so. In other words, you're gonna have to wait for a proper review.

Life could be worse, you know?

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