Thursday, November 29, 2007

Helmet Cam - Optimized (or not)

I uploaded some optimized clips (they were in YouTube's ideal format) and although the uploads took less time, the clips looked about the same. So although I put a few out there, I'm not going to convert any more clips at this point. In the future I'll upload the optimized versions if only to cut my upload time by 50% or more (they are 30-50 MB versus 98-100 MB). But the quality, unfortunately, is no better than my un-optimized clips.

Someone asked me recently if I'll be doing more clips. I have a couple I want to work on (one from 2006, two from 2007) but I haven't been motivated to alot the necessary time to finish them. On average I'd say the clips represent about 2, maybe 3 long nights of work - 8 to 12 hours. Until I end up with a lot of time to focus on such things, I need to let them be.

In 2008 I hope to be more active in the race scene and hope to have a corresponding increase in both the number of clips as well as the variety of routes - races, group rides, and perhaps a couple Summer Street sprint type things. I'd really like to get a Gimbles or two on tape. A true night ride clip would be good too - urban riding with lots of traffic, motorpacing off of unsuspecting buses, trucks, and cars.

For those CompuTrainer users out there, I hope to have the clips available through ErgVideo, a place that sells clips with power data so you can "ride along" with the helmet cam wearer. When I make new clips available, if enough people ask, I think they'd be willing to purchase clips from me (hint hint). I only have one clip with power available and that is the prematurely ended 2007 Nutmeg State Games (when I go off road in the sprint). They sell DVD quality full length clips so you won't experience the fuzziness of YouTube.


  1. Is there a link to your youtube helmet cam stuff somewhere on this page that I'm not seeing?

  2. Under the tag helmet-cam there are embedded clips. But you can go here.

    I'll have to put in a link.
