Thursday, July 26, 2007

Velonews - Prologue Winner

Last week I posted that I won something. Of course, nothing is for certain until it shows up at your house (or in my case, the office). Well, today I received a package from Velonews. It was a bit bigger than what a cyclocomputer ought to be and since the last I knew people weren't trying to make cyclocomputer bigger, I was curious as to what was in it.

Well, it was a lot more than I expected.

Fine, I pulled out a nice Cateye Tour de France Edition Strada Wireless computer. The body is Tour de France yellow, making it stand out a bit more than the normal grey or black.

I saw other things in the box too. Two waterbottles (one Cateye and one Velonews), a Velonews cap, and some paperwork. Bonus! I can always use waterbottles (although my fiancee might disagree) and I recently discovered caps as a head accessory - so now I'll have a cool cap to wear backwards on my head.

And paperwork. Whatever.

It was only after I had returned back to work for a bit that I looked at the "paperwork".

It was in fact a congratulations card written and signed by Andy Pemberton, Publisher, Velonews.

Now I can't profess I would know Andy if I bumped into him at a bike shop. But with all the various things that he must be busy doing (it's peak Velonews season and it's a real humdinger of a Tour so far), he really didn't need to write something out. I actually expected an invoice with zero charges on it, not a nice handwritten note and a business card.

So for all of us that's tired of the doping, tired of the lying, and tired of all the suspicion surrounding cycling, there are still people involved with the sport who do good things. With very little fanfare they're giving away these cool little Cateye computers, they give some schwag as well, and to top it off, they actually write a note saying congrats.

That's cool.

And here's the stuff all laid out with our cat Tiger sitting guard over it all:


  1. thats pretty sweet. both the note and the prize. is that argyle behind the cateye logo on the bottle? and those strada computers are pretty neat, really light and small but still have a big face (we have had a few in the shop)

  2. Massive argyle on that Cateye bottle - they don't sponsor Slipstream so it might be that argyle is making a comeback.

    I have to dig up our old Carpe Diem uniforms which have argyle on them :)

  3. GRRRREAT swag Aki! Congrats!! And I think this is the first time I've seen your cat - he's clearly doing his job well. Very cool pic!
