Monday, June 11, 2007

Racing - 2007 Nutmeg Classic Helmet Cam

As mentioned here, I just did the 2007 Nutmeg Classic. I mentioned it was a squirrelly race but when I checked the tape it was worse than I thought.

I got the bits I mentioned in my post - moving to the left for the photog, the move up in the field thanks to the kind soul to my left. I forgot the amazing flower bit bunny hop and the grass surfing on the last lap but I put them in too.

Based on some comments I received and observations I made, I spent a lot more time putting in race comments - what I was thinking, what seemed to be happening.

All in all a very exciting race for me with a less than perfect ending.



  1. 11 AM NYT - Seems like video isn't "processed" yet, i.e. not approved. It's at the limits of YouTube's requirements - 9:59.87 minutes (10:00 limit), 99 MB (100 MB limit). I'll upload a slightly smaller file if the clip exceeds YouTube's allowable parameters.

  2. Scary stuff! You did an awesome job squeezing past the guys going sideways. As always, your videos get my heart rate up--does watching your vids count as a training ride?

  3. Aki - if you could, try and get some better shots of the crashes. I know this means you might have to crash, but since I can't do these races, you can't reasonably expect me to miss out on the action.

    All this and save my $25, too? This could become a lifestyle...

  4. man, that was the sketchiest race I have ever been in. My instincts were telling me to just sit up at the end. It was the same instinct that told me not to ride my new wheels :( anyways, I think I got the better of that steel garbage can I hit at 30+ mph!!! I think that will be the last time you see me at nutmeg games especially in that cat3 race. silly.

  5. inSANE - I didn't think the 3s could be that squirrely, but the 4s are certainly no better. It's an awful realization that you could ride perfectly, and somebody else takes you out. TTs anyone?

    GREAT race footage though - as usual! and I really enjoyed the extra commentary.

  6. I checked the clip in slow-mo after transferring it to DVD - I'm amazed that the guy in front of me (ACT-Cuevas rider) didn't hit the eventual winner, the Hot Tubes rider whose wheel I'm following. He misses that HT rider by about 2-3 inches while swerving, holding himself up, etc. And it's clear that he moved in response to the HT rider - i.e. he was responding smoothly to the crash when suddenly he jerked his bars to avoid hitting HT. And it worked. I think if he hit HT, the ACT rider would have gone down, and I might have gone down. On the tape I also heard a loud clang - I believe that's the 55 gallon drum landing on the ground (!). Next month more of the same course, hopefully less squirreliness.
