Sunday, April 01, 2007

A short break in frequent posting

I don't know how other people blog but I have a few types of entries:

1. Current stuff, i.e. things that happened today. Like an entry on a race I promoted today. These sort of things expire - the content is dated and after a week or three, usually people ignore these thing.

2. The long term stuff, i.e. things that are timeless. These include things like How-To's, philosophy of racing, things like that.

3. Mixed stuff, i.e. things that pertain to some current situation but are linked to timeless topics. This might be something like how to approach doping (a timeless idea) in the current ruleset (a dated idea).

I write the first type on the fly but the other two types are usually a combination of things I've written - emails, tactics/technique stuff, and some stories or experiences I have floating around in my head. They sit as drafts for a while before I finalize them and post them.

What I'm trying to say is that I have a few How-To's and editorial type things sitting in my queue. I have no current topics in that queue, like a post on, say, today's race.

Anyway, the reason I'm mentioning this is that my schedule is such that I'll be shutting down my personal computers for a short time starting as soon as I post this short note. My house has to be emptied by Tuesday night so the floors can be done and it's looking pretty full right now.

This means current posts may be a bit lacking in the near future. The timeless topics I've staged won't go away although I'll have to work on them before I post them. In order to keep an entry or two in reserve, I won't be posting a flurry of "How-To's".

I promise a report on today's Criterium De Bethel but it won't be for at least a day or two. I guess it'll depend on how busy work is :)

Once the floors get refinished and the new carpet is installed, the house goes on the market. I thought I was going to live here forever and fixed up the kitchen, bathroom, roof, furnace, electrical, windows, siding, paint, pretty much everything. But now I have to move for my other half's work (mine can be done from anywhere).

So if you're in the market for a 3 BR, 1 BA house in Norwalk, CT for the discounted price of about $420k, you know where I am. Mention the blog and I'll give you a, um, $10,000 rebate. If you have good credit and things go smoothly I'll pitch in a bit more. Maybe enough for one of the fancy Parlee bikes I saw today with the LightWeight wheels.

And if anyone is near Stew Leonards in Norwalk and wants to haul around boxes and things in the next two evenings, let me know. We can use all the help we can get.

1 comment:

  1. Hope the move goes smoothly Aki. Thanks for your hard work
    - HP
