Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Bethel Spring Series - Ronde de Bethel Cam


  1. Wow. That's pretty cool. That brings me back 6 years to when I last raced Bethel. My memory is from that same point of view, too. The bell on the last last got my heart pounding even though I new the result.
    You should do some rider interviews during the race. Introduce the new riders and teams for 2007, new uniforms and sponsors...
    I'm looking forward to more!
    Nice bike throw at the end for sixth!

  2. Man, that was AWESOME! I'm still new to this racing thing, so even just this video got my heartrate up and adrenaline pumpin' - am I SURE I wanna go through this a second season?! Heck yeah! Thanks for uploading it - great music and way to keep up on that hill!

  3. That was great!!! I just realized I haven't seen you in a race since the one in Wallingford.
    Am I the only non-bike person leaving comments?

  4. Wallingford? That must have been something like 10 years ago. 12?

    I think yes, you are the only non-biker leaving comments, at least for now.

  5. What kind of camera did you use? ATC2000? Viosport? 20/20? Athos? Blackeye? Good footage. Nice job.
    I hope to record Wells Ave tomorrow.
