Thursday, March 15, 2007

Bethel Spring Series - pre Tour de Kirche

Seems that it's supposed to snow something like half a foot on Friday and another inch or two on Saturday.

Makes holding a race on Sunday morning sort of dicey.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed though. The Bethel course is known for having its own weather system - windy, cloudy, and cold, no matter what it's like anywhere else in the area. Maybe this time the snow will stick all around the course but not on it.

Plus, after last week's frozen fog problem, I was left with 280 pounds of salt in the van. So if it does snow, we can use it up. I can't think of a better way to use it than to spread it out on the Bethel course so that we can race on it.

Last night, after I updated the GC, I was working on two very significant race-cam videos and lost track of time. And lost what I saved of the Ris Van Bethel video. So I started to reconstruct it this morning. Probably be another day before that's up.

The other two videos will go up later. They're of past races but when you see them you'll know why they're so significant to me.

Now to go do some voodoo to keep the snow from accumulating on the Bethel course.


  1. Could we maybe build huge bonfires all around FJ Clark? Would that even work?

  2. If we had those NASCAR/Indycar track-drying trucks with the jet engines on the back... but bonfires would be more fun. Marshmallows, hot chocolate, and story telling.

    "I remember this one race..."
