Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Slim and Fast

I know I want to be slimmer.

And I know I want to be faster.

Hey SlimFast!

I took a SlimFast shake I found and tried it. Not bad. And whether it was in my head or not, it did suppress my appetite for a few hours, which certainly beats what I normally do, which is munch on something every hour or so.

So this morning, on the way to work, I stopped by Stop and Shop and picked up a bunch of shakes, some bars (bought Breakfast Bars by accident), and salad materials.

We'll see what happens.

Maybe I'll be rockin' the climbs next year.

Yeah right.

1 comment:

  1. Aki:

    I noticed the word slimfast in the sidebar......even though it is a very old post, I wanted to add something.
    I use slimfast after any workout over and an hour and half, or a hard crit. It offers a 4 to 1 ratio of carbs to protein! This is a great recovery drink....and I think it taste great, but I love chocolate!!
